
Bad Aura?

Well hello there :)
I know I'm not a kind of person who can read auras. But I feel like my aura is getting darker recently. IDK why but I started to be more like a moody person and sometimes I feel angry at myself for some reasons. I know it's not good but that was just happened!

Hmmm IDK what people thought about me but maybe there are some friends or anyone who feel weird and (perhaps) inconvenience (?) Kayy, I know it's just my own hypothesis or just me feel so pathetic

I've read some articles about auras and they said that aura can be affected by some illness, stress or emotional situation. hmm I know I just sooo tired of my routines, and sick of any deadline. Oh God, I feel like I need some rest or mood booster. I'm sick of myself being weak and lazzy. :(

OK, Those words above covered what I wanted to say tonight. Sorry for this weirdo post and hope my aura is getting pinker then! :D

Umm I'll have my Mid Test next week, and Pascha holiday too. Hmmm Pascha holiday will be in the middle of Mid Test. :) Hope to see HOME soon, I miss my family already. I miss 'ehem' people who left there. Tsahhh remembering the oldie story (AGAIN!) :p

Sincerely, Monik



Yayy,, finally! this is the day! hehehe my job and my duty on Student Executive Board of Faculty Pharmacy Sanata Dharma University is officially done :D
Kinda happy and such a relief.
I know my job and my duty haven't done well, there were so many obstacle behind it.  There was a time when I felt so bored and tired because there were so many project that used to be done. I had some crazy schedules and believe me, if  I were not strong enough, I was afraid that I can't handle this. Sometimes I felt like I want to finish this duty as soon as possible.


a laziness shoots you down

Okay, this is the weekend. time to rest. oh really? I know there are so many project that haven't done yet. even after you've arranged your schedule perfectly, they're just remain such a 'cumulative-problems'. I know I can't force myself to be perfect, to be nerd or clever student (Kay, It will make me going crazy on a second). But somehow I envy for those who can arrange their schedule perfectly and do it at the time. Gosssh I hate a tardiness, but still I can't make it.
Sooooo Let's make it better ! Let's do it! Underline this: I am a sixth semester's student! No more laziness ;) I'll have my final project, my final essay. You'll make it perfect, don't you? ;)


Soal Jodoh (a random thought)

Okay, lihat judul diatas jadi berasa emmm…
Mungkin karena usia yang semakin tua dewasa, topik yang satu ini berasa nyess banget buat dibahas. Ouchh sepertinya masa remaja berlalu cepet banget, kayaknya baru aja kemaren terjebak nostalgia dan hari-hari yang penuh drama. Sekarang rasanya masa itu udah mau berakhir, digantikan dengan nuansa hidup yang lebih “dewasa”.

Begitu juga soal jodoh. Masa remaja dan masa sekolahan mungkin masih sering mimpiin dapet Mr.Perfect dengan alur cerita cinta yang sempurna. Nah sekarang? Hmm mungkin makin realistis sih ya, trus semakin menyadari kalau kesempurnaan bukanlah poin utama yang kita cari. Makin sadar juga sih kalau nyari yang benar-benar ‘sreg’ itu susahnyaaa :’) *Okay, ini curcol banget
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