
Being busy with myself

Okayy, back again with mee. It's still on holiday but I've back to Jogja already. I've been stayed at my lovely boarding house recently, and sometimes at grandma's house. Okay, I still on a duty hahahah It's about to finish campus magazine. So I killed the time by editing and designing. Actually I just do some simple editing and design, cause I have less knowledge about how to design and I haven't best software or good computer as well. Hummm okay then.
There are some result:
Umm I'm to shy to share this, cause It's the worst (I think) :'(

See?? Hahahah, actually I love to design or draw, but it's still manual and I think it's quite hard for me to computerize it. Hurr Why I choose Pharmacy as my majority? Why not graphic design then? AHAHAH --" poor me, I have to learn such kind of things by myself. Anyway, thanks to Internet for providing so many information and tutorials :')

And this is the previous edition:

The doodles are made by me (manually), then It's scanned and been colorized with computer by my friend. She is pretty good on design!

(This is the original version)

And here are some doodles: 
(I made 'em by request. cause I joined the committee at campus, then we made some tote bag and sold 'em to made some money)

original sketch: 

after my friend, Indah brought the colors on it:

Kayyyy, I do love doodling, but IDK how to make it better on digital version :p
And what I really want to do is to change this blog's template and header, cause I haven'tt changed this template since I was in Senior High School! OMG it's quite oldie and kinda borring. Still, I haven't mastering the html so I credit this template. 
Uhhh, hopefully I can change it soon, with more attractive design and the simple one.
Sooo,, just wait till it launched. LOL, perhaps I need so much time to arrange it.
Have a good day, people! :D


  1. Cantik banget doodle-nya, Monika :D
    Aku belajangan juga suka doodle, tapi belum bisa ciptakan karakter sendiri -__- Seringan comot2 karakter orang :")

    Salam kenal dari Surabaya, Monika :)


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