
Finally I watched Harry Potter 7 part II (too late -.-')

yeah!!!!! finally I've watched HP 7 part II
although its to late :((
but I'm happy!!!! hehe pas mau nonton sempet dikit cekcok juga, siapa yang mau nemenin gue??? nguhuhu
kebetulan gue dapet 2 tiket terakhir di M 18 sama M 19 huks thats really sucked me! pegel -.-'
akhirnya gue pun masuk ke studio ditemenin si Kristin. how lucky... gue telat 5 menitan gitu deh! ketinggalan dikit! :( pas adegan si Harry lagi ngebujujk si goblin.
dan satu lagi nih ya, sebelah gue adek-adek makan pop corn enak banget!!! gue gak sempet beli karena keburu-buru. huhu
but I really enjoyed the movie :D
kerennnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sumpah!!!!!!! aku nangis pas snape mati, so sad T.T
tapi masih belum percaya juga nih kao Harry Potter's really really end!!!!!! :(((
oh tante Rowling, bikin lanjutannya Harry Potter lagi donggg!! pleaseee!!!!!

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