
Is Social Media toxic?

picture is from here
Why today's social media is too addictive yet toxic?

What is toxic, anyway?

Instagram is one of  the huge social media platform. Honestly, I've been deleted my instagram app on my cell phone back in June. I still check my instagram but in web version which the interface is not that good, comparing to app's version. I checked my instagram just 1-2 times daily, which  I think it is such a big achievement because previously I used to check my instagram feeds, stories .. how many times in a day? well even it is countless LOL. 

Nowadays people share their achievements, happiness or anything in their social media. Everyone want to share their perfect life, their 'body goal's bodies, fancy cars, privileges. Everything just look so perfect. People want to keep up an image, gain followers and likes. Sometimes I think: "Why i don't look like that? Why is her life so perfect?" Also when I wanted to share my thought or picture on my ig, I used to.. ahh I think it's not good enough to share, delete it, bye-bye. I shouldn't be like that, because come on It is your life, you do you! Don't make the other people as a standard. Be true to your self. Life isn't what it looks on Instagram.

Maybe we should manage accounts that we're followed.  As long as it made you happy and not feeling insecure, then go follow it. If it makes you feel insecure, unhapy and less grateful, then skip it or unfollow it because it can be a toxic. But actually, don't blame the Instagram (and Sosial Medias in general) that much LOL because some people even make money on instagram, they sell things, do their business, share some goods and Instagram is one of the effective way to improve their income and to share their portos. Let's see the influencers on social media, maybe we think that they're fake. But not everyone! We can't actually see their real life. It depends on our point of view and goal, anyways.

For now, I checked my instagram just to explore foods, dogs, cats and some jokes. I haven't post anything for a while. Ya, perhaps I'll post something in future but I think it is enough for now. If I wanted to explore foods, cute animals or daily news,  I'll just check my pinterest and twitter. I haven't consider to download intagram app again in my cell phone. I hope when I'm back again in my instagram world, I must be ready and stable, and use the mindfulness concept in daily life (jeezz I'm still learning).

So what do you think of nowadays social media? Is it toxic?


  1. i do agree with you , i just going to u follow , block or mute toxic post . At least i feel in peace whenever i used the apps . I prefer twitter compared to instagram .

    But twitter do has a loy of toxic ppl , it just everyone want their opinion to be heard even they arent has knowledge forthat sigh .

  2. I think so, sometimes ppl on twitter are just verbally rude :P We need to manage our daily doses on social media then

  3. agreed, kak. I've been in social media detox for two weeks before coming back on instagram yesterday (for the sake of school assignments). I feel better, obviously. But nowadays lets be real, we cannot just decide to live without internet. Peoples are struggling to contact me in those two weeks, since im not giving my wa number easily. Managing your feeds is one of the way to stay in Internet while distancing from toxic contents. Anyway, stay happy, kak!

    1. Yass, truly we can't live w/o internet and social medias. I still check my DMs on ig too, just in case somebody need to contact me. I've been reduced my intensity on scrolling igs or feed :D
      Stay happy, Clarissa!!

  4. i agree with you. i'm thinking of doing social media detox but i know i wouldn't last a day without checking my instagram. that's so bad.

    erin | littlesipsoftea.com

    1. I knowwww, It was so hard at the begining. But I'm getting used to it now

  5. I know, right? I used to be super addicted to Instagram like back then, people are crazy about perfect feeds and everything, now, I'm no longer hooked with Instagram, only there for my small business.


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